Hi there, I’m Brooke.

I’ve been a copywriter my whole life… I just didn’t know it for most of the ride. Curious, creative, expressive… a round peg amongst square holes… yep, that’s me. So when I discovered being a “Creative Director” was an actual career (after I had already graduated college, of course), it was like my future was calling [SFX: iPhone ringtone]… and I answered: “Hi there, I’m Brooke”.

Not long after that call, I took Graphic Design classes where I met my mentor who introduced me to this crazy little thing called Advertising. I followed him over to his new Portfolio School that he started in his garage, got into Art Direction, and eventually realized AD’s don’t write their own headlines. Hellooo Copywriting! This was the pivotal moment where all my strengths combined and shined; and boom, I was off to the races.

Since then, I’ve geeked out on the work at some great agencies, won a few awards, snagged a couple of trademarks for clients, and I’ve learned a whole lot from the best in the biz. The journey continues, but that’s just my Copywriter origin story.

If you want to work together or talk shop, hit me up. (lingenfelder.b@gmail.com)

Some other tidbits:

My personal tagline: The girl next door to “the girl next door”.

I’m a Sr. Copywriter with Art Direction chops. (Double the threat, double the fun.)

2008 graduate of The Ohio State University. Buckeye for life. BA in Social and Behavior Sciences.

I love making art. Check out my pop-surrealist collages here.


“Brooke has unlimited potential. She has the creative chops, positive attitude and commitment to achieve phenomenal things in her work and career. Her POV is extremely valuable to the agency and gives us a unique perspective that nails the millennial audiences.” – Craig Alshin, CD PIA Agency

“Brooke is a creative genius.” – My Dad during his retirement speech

“Check out this photo. If you can’t tell who the bandit-slash-writer of the spot is… she didn’t even know she was allowed on set (the “crowd” factor) until we hastily called her in to the office the morning-of. She arrived, no complaints, ready to do whatever she could to help. Her recognizable smile is still barely detectable underneath that bandana. Any guesses? Seeing this, a thought occurred to me: during these times, a mask doesn’t hide character, but reveals it.”  – Brian Dunaway, ECD Vitro


Me, on set, during early COVID times

(If you made it to this point, you get a prize.)